Titolo completo
Interazione tra i popoli in carcere
Indagine sulla percezione dell'Altro nella reclusione: l'esempio di Montorio
Di (autore)
A cura di
Numero di Pagine
Lingua del testo
Data di publicazione
Alteritas - Interazione tra i popoli
Paese di pubblicazione
ISBN-13 (unhyphenated)
9788890790034 (Libro)
Descrizione principale
The book concerns with an Alteritas research project (2013-2014) whose aim was the tackling of interactions between peoples in prison. By adopting the qualitative – with insertions of quantitative – research we intended to check out which of the prejudices were the trademarks of the community life in prison so that any kind of their persistence, reduction, modification in living the life outside prison could be traced and evidenced. By examining various groups we identified different intergroup relations and relevant geographical and religious identifiers. We discussed further the relationship among different identifiers and how they came to be shifting according to the situation, the people involved in, and the issues they were talking about.
Parola chiave
prison - prejudice - intergroup relations - interaction