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DOI data
DOI 10.53248/sda790072

Book or Monograph data
Full Title
Le espressioni della sofferenza individuale nei testi assiro-babilonesi
By (author) (A01) Silvia Salin
Affiliation Università di Verona
Number of Pages 255
Language of text Italian (ita)
Publication Date (YYYY) 2020
Publisher (01) Alteritas - Interazione tra i popoli
Country of publication Italy (IT)
ISBN-13 (unhyphenated) 9788890790072
Product Form Book (BA)
Additional Data
Main description (01)
Through an anthropological-linguistic approach, the book deepens the analysis of some of the most interesting and important words and expressions of the Akkadian language used to explain the pain and suffering of the individual, as perceived in ancient Mesopotamia. Taking into consideration the medical, literary and epistolary texts dating back to the end of the second millennium and the first millennium BC, the Authors adopts, where possible, the theory of conceptual metaphors by Lakoff and Johnson. She investigates the cultural and social dynamics of the perception of disease and pain felt by the individual and by the society he/she belongs to, in an attempt to shed new light on some interesting aspects of the Mesopotamian culture of that period.
Keywords (20) Akkadian - Mesopotamia - suffering - anthropological-linguistic approach