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DOI Daten mit Auflösung
DOI 10.7358/977-2021-laca
Multiple Resolution:

Daten zur Zeitschrift

Vollständiger Titel
LCM - La Collana / The Series
Verlag (01) LED Edizioni Universitarie
Erscheinungsland Italien (IT)
ISSN 22835628
Produktform Gedruckte Zeitschrift (JB)

Nummer des Bandes 9788879169776
Andere Beschreibung der Ausgabe Les Nouveaux Langages au tournant du XXIe Siècle
Erscheinungsdatum der Ausgabe (YYYY/MM) 2021 / 07
Daten Fortsetzungsartikel
Französisch (fre)
Renouvellement des formes langagières dans la communication sociale sur Twitter
Von (Autor) (A01) Grégoire Lacaze
Erste Seite 107
Letzte Seite 128
Erscheinungsdatum (YYYY/MM) 2021 / 07
Abstract/Hauptbeschreibung (01) Englisch (eng)
With the increasing development of social communication on social media networks, new linguistic forms have emerged thanks to the technological devices offered by digital platforms, which can be regarded as open spaces characterised by hypertextuality and polysemioticity. This research aims to analyse the typical features of the social media Twitter which is largely used by news media professionals and by political leaders for their official communication. As a sociotechnical digital communication platform, Twitter proves to be the most appropriate broadcast medium for live news since it tends to reduce social and geographical distances between Twitter users who can interact with each other by sending informal messages. Eventually, Twitter can often be viewed as the first social media network allowing transmedial quotations that circulate on other social networks.