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DOI Daten mit Auflösung
DOI 10.3280/ecag1-2021oa11546
Multiple Resolution:

Daten zur Zeitschrift

Vollständiger Titel
Economia agro-alimentare
Verlag (01) FrancoAngeli
Erscheinungsland Italien (IT)
ISSN 1126-1668
Produktform Gedruckte Zeitschrift (JB)
ISSN 1972-4802
Produktform Online-Zeitschrift (JD)

Nummer der Ausgabe 1
Andere Beschreibung der Ausgabe 1
Erscheinungsdatum der Ausgabe (YYYY) 2021
Daten Fortsetzungsartikel
Titel Consumers' perception of Prosecco wine packaging: A pilot study in Padua and Milan
Von (Autor) (A01) Isabella Procidano
Von (Autor) (A01) Christine Mauracher
Von (Autor) (A01) Marco Valentini
Erste Seite 1
Letzte Seite 23
Sprache des Textes Englisch (eng)
Erscheinungsdatum (YYYY/MM) 2021 / 05
Copyright 2021, FrancoAngeli srl
Vorwort (33)
This paper aims to illustrate and discuss the importance of packaging attributes in the wine market. A survey was conducted in the north of Italy to assess how different attributes affect the probability of choosing a bottle of Prosecco wine. Two hundred face-to-face interviews based on a structured questionnaire were administered in Milan and Padua supermarkets to elicit preferences. Each respondentranked three new bottles of Prosecco wine and expressed the importance of different packaging characteristics in its choice.Product attributes include Label's form, Label's colours, the Label in its entirety, the Writing "Prosecco", the Band on the bottle's neck and the Bottle's shape. The interviews allowed us to recognise the bottle customers found the most attractive, and rank-ordered logistic regression was able to disentangle whichpackaging characteristic led to their decision.